Monday, August 22, 2005

Intel - frontal attack

Intel has had some miscues the last couple of years and as a result, has fallen behind the curve. Like a traffic accident, everybody wants to look. Also like a traffic accident, most hope the injured recover. Godspeed traveling mercies, skilled physicians and some pixie dust . . .

Ashlee Vance writing for reports:

But during Intel's extended lull, you'll notice that it actually made some progress. Yes, Intel has been forced to share IBM, HP and Sun with AMD. That's a big loss. Still, Intel has picked up Apple as as a customer. It has maintained Dell as an Intel-only shop. In addition, some of our most connected sources and traditional Intel doubters say the company's upcoming product line - 2007 and on - will send rivals home crying. It seems that 2007 will stand as the year Intel finally catches up to the current trends in the processor market by delivering sophisticated multicore designs and by reworking its memory subsystems. The question for competitors is how much more damage they can do to Intel in the meantime.
Read the entire article by Ms. Vance here.

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