Monday, February 18, 2008

Joe's Links

Toshiba denies that it has decided to pull the plug on HD DVD. DailyTech:
"We have not made any official decision yet," a Toshiba spokeswoman said, though acknowledged that Warner’s move to Blu-ray Disc did have a ripple effect. "We are cautiously assessing market movements as it is true that Warner Brother's decision to sell titles exclusively on Blu-rays affected our sales in January."

According to one unnamed source, "a complete withdrawal" is one of the options Toshiba is considering. If it were so, it would leave the format without any major maker of hardware, effectively terminating HD DVD quicker than through studio support loss.
Sony PlayStation 3 will outsell Nintendo's Wii in 2007. From TechOn:

iSuppli feels, however, that the PS3 will grow faster than the Wii, supported by core game fans. The company predicted PS3 sales will soar by an average of 39% every year from 2007 to 2011 to 38.4 million units in 2011. The PS3, Wii and Xbox will account for 35.4, 34.8 and 29.8%, respectively, of global sales in 2011, iSuppli said.
Toshiba shares climb in anticipation of Toshiba abandoning HD DVD. reports:

Investors cheered an impending end to a format war for next-generation DVDs on Monday, pushing up shares of both Toshiba, on the verge of abandoning its HD DVD discs, and Sony, the leader of the rival Blu-ray camp.
More reports of scientists loving Sony PlayStation 3 for their research. This one from

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