Monday, August 27, 2007

Rambus Inc. Report of the Special Litigation Committee of the Board of Directors

Joint Case Management Conference Statement (C-06-3515 JF) In Re Rambus Inc. Derivative Litigation for September 7, 2007, is available upon request in a three part pdf. E-mail request for a free copy of the JCMCS (7 pages) Exhibit A (part one, 33 pages & part two 34 pages).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Treowth,

Thanks again for the PDFs.

Was disappointed the SLC allowed Mr. Eulau to settle for only 60% of the after tax excess profit on his backdated options. Imagine Mr. Tate and the others returned less than the full amount of their ill-gotten gains as well, but just a guess. Business practicalities aside, think every dollar of the excess profit should have been returned to Rambus if for no other reason than the principle of the matter. Will be interesting to see if Judge Fogel is as understanding as the SLC. Wonder why Mr. Larsen was singled out?

Your site gets more impressive every time I visit. Know how much work goes into it, and it shows.

Just my opinion.


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