Sunday, December 11, 2005

Smashed Xbox 360

What is art?

If floating symbols believed to be sacred by more than one billion in body waste fluid is art, I'll hazard an opinion that the definition of art is broad enough to include a film of some Canadians smashing a new Xbox 360.

SmashMyXbox is the "brain" child of the creators of SmashMyiPod. is linked here.

The rough-cut film viewed on Google Video with a runtime of 2:39 is linked here.

Why do they do it?

Due to success of the site we decided to take the whole smashing thing a little further, and destroy things right when they come out, in front of 100s of fanboys who would be quite upset to see their beloved game console smashed.

I didn't notice 100s of "fanboys" watching the smashing in the parking lot . . . but I have to admit I laughed when I watched the video and thought about these guys standing in line in the freezing cold . . .

If the short version doesn't give you the full cultural evidence you desire, there is a 19 minute extended version of the smashing accessible through the first page of the site linked above.

Hat top to theinquirer for the link.

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